Sargodha Medical College Contact Number, Location, Details

If you are searching for Sargodha Medical College Contact Number, you will find all the related information in this post. We will provide you the details about Sargodha Medical College, and their contact no, address, helpline, head office, compliance, customer care, and other related linked information about them.

Sargodha Medical College Contact Number

Their contact number by which you can contact them is 048 111 867 111, furthermore, their address is University Road Sargodha Punjab, Pakistan, Pakistan. You can also contact them at any time for more information or in the case of any complaint. For more informative articles keep in touch with us. I hope this post should be suitable for you.Sargodha Medical College Contact Number, Location, Details

Helpline Number
Phone/Contact Number: 048 111 867 111
Head Office Address

University Road Sargodha Punjab, Pakistan

Website & Email, Email:

Brief details are here about the AWKUM Contact Number.


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