Al Khidmat Raazi Hospital Rawalpindi Phone Number, Address

In today’s post, we will tell you all the information that a patient and his attendant need from Al Khidmat Raazi Hospital Rawalpindi. You can book an appointment by calling their contact number or phone number 051-4906401.

Al Khidmat Raazi Hospital Rawalpindi Phone Number

The address of this hospital is 24-B-1 Chandni Chowk Flyover, Asghar Mall Scheme, Rawalpindi, Punjab where you can go any time. This is a very good institution that is famous for caring for patients. This hospital is considered to be one of the best hospitals in Rawalpindi, due to its experienced staff, and its

24-B-1 Chandni Chowk Flyover, Asghar Mall Scheme, Rawalpindi, Punjab
Phone/Contact Number: 051-4906401

We also compile information about Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Hospital Rawalpindi.


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