Do you want to know more about Dr. Muhammad Awais Arif Dermatologist? We will share with you all the information about them such as education, experience, specialty, clinic address, and contact number. He has done MBBS, M.S.P.H (Sweden), Diploma in Dermatology and Dermatosurgery, Fellowship in Dermatology & Laser Surgery, Diplomate American Board of Laser Surgery (USA), Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, Member of Dermatology Society of Thailand, and is considered to be a competent and famous Dermatologist.
Dr. Muhammad Awais Arif Dermatologist Contact Number
If you want to get your medical checkup, here is their clinic address My Skin Aesthetics & Laser Center 106/2 Habitat Flat, Jail Road, Near Omc Hospital Opp. Kinnaird College، Shadman Ii Shadman 2 Shadman, Lahore, Punjab. Also, if you want to make an appointment for a checkup, their contact number/phone number is 0331 4423295. Visit their clinic today for a checkup because he is the best doctor in this field. He is one of the best Dermatologists in Lahore.
Clinic Address | My Skin Aesthetics & Laser Center 106/2 Habitat Flat, Jail Road, Near Omc Hospital Opp. Kinnaird College، Shadman Ii Shadman 2 Shadman, Lahore, Punjab |
Phone/Contact Number: | 0331 4423295 |
Qualifications | MBBS, M.S.P.H (Sweden), Diploma in Dermatology and Dermatosurgery, Fellowship in Dermatology & Laser Surgery, Diplomate American Board of Laser Surgery (USA), Member of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, Member of Dermatology Society of Thailand |
Clinic Timings | Tue, Thu, Sat 01:00 PM – 08:00 PM |
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