Do you want to know more about Dr. Sohaib Hasan Neurologist? We will share with you all the information about them such as education, experience, specialty, clinic address, and contact number. He has done MBBS, FCPS, Diploma in Pain Management and is considered to be a competent and famous Neurologist.
Dr. Sohaib Hasan Neurologist Mobile Number
If you want to get your medical checkup, here is their clinic address Multan Medical Complex Hospital Chungi No.1، Chah Mubarak Wala, Multan, Punjab. Also, if you want to make an appointment for a checkup, their contact number/phone number is 0614513243. Visit their clinic today for a checkup because he is the best doctor in this field. He is one of the best Neurologists in Multan.
Clinic Address | Multan Medical Complex Hospital Chungi No.1، Chah Mubarak Wala, Multan, Punjab |
Phone/Contact Number: | 0614513243 |
Qualifications | MBBS, FCPS, Diploma in Pain Management |
Clinic Timings | Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM |
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