OMC Hospital Lahore Contact Number, Address, Doctors Timings

Here you can easily find all the necessary information about OMC Hospital Lahore such as phone number, address, Doctors list. The hospital is well known in the area for its good, competent doctors and qualified nursing staff. You can call this contact number or phone number 042-35407172 to get an appointment.

OMC Hospital Lahore Contact Number

15, Opposite Kinnard College, Shadman- 2, Shadman, Jail Road, Lahore, Punjab is the complete address of this hospital where you can go at any time. There is no doubt that this is a great hospital for providing medical faculty. This is a very famous hospital in Lahore, because of its

15, Opposite Kinnard College, Shadman- 2, Shadman, Jail Road, Lahore, Punjab
Phone/Contact Number: 042-35407172

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